5 Good Reasons to Destroy Old Hard Drives and Backup Tapes
You may have several reasons for keeping a stockpile of old hard drives and backup tapes. Maybe procrastination has gotten the better of you. Perhaps you think you may need to access that expired data someday or you’re concerned about outsourcing the destruction of your media. Whatever your concerns, fear is no replacement for the facts, so here are five good reasons you should destroy your old backup media.
1.Data Security
Old backup tapes and hard drives are a security liability. A single device can store hundreds of thousands of confidential data files, and electronic data can be compromised even when it’s out-of-date or the device it’s stored on is inoperable.
Deleting digital files from a device doesn’t completely obliterate the data. With the right tools and software, identity thieves and criminals bent on business fraud can still extract information from a tape or hard drive. Physical destruction of your devices is the best way to lower your company’s data breach exposure.
2. Legal Compliance
Data breach consequences include fines and even criminal prosecution for failing to protect consumer information. Each of the following laws require organizations to safeguard personal, health and financial records from unauthorized access:
Destroying your hard drives and tapes helps keep your business compliant with these privacy regulations.
3. Cost Savings
In addition to fines and other costs associated with a data breach, don’t overlook the cost of storing old backup media. Every square inch counts when you’re paying a premium for office space. Hoarding outdated computers and storage media means there’s less room for revenue-generating activities. Incorporate regular hard drive and tape destruction into your data security plan to and maximize profitability.
4. Client Trust
You work hard to gain the trust of your customers and wouldn’t want to throw it away by compromising their data. Having your old hard drives and backup tapes professionally and securely destroyed helps ensure total information privacy for your customers and your business.
5. Brand and Reputation Protection
Besides creating a whirlwind of legal and financial problems for your business, stolen data can permanently damage your corporate brand and reputation. Some businesses never fully recover from a corporate data breach because of the punishing costs and destruction of the brand.
Media destruction keeps your information safe so consumers continue buy products and services from a company they know and respect.
Don’t let excuses get in the way of protecting your information. Destroying your old hard drives and backup tapes makes too much sense!
Pacific Records Management provides records and information management services for businesses throughout Fresno, Stockton, Sacramento, Modesto, and Napa and Solano Counties. For more information, please contact us by phone or complete the form on this page.