One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s (Stolen) Treasure
You may want to think twice about tossing that supposedly useless document in the wastebasket. Your trash is possibly your company’s most important source of valuable information. Thieves seeking corporate and consumer information already know how lucrative it can be rifling through dumpsters for trade secrets, credit card numbers, and tax identification information.
Most likely you’ve heard news stories highlighting these occurrences of data breaches and stolen information – they aren’t surprising, considering the “throw away” mentality of most organizations. Even with a focus on recycling, confidential documents that should be shredded are instead thrown into a recycling bin, thus exposing unnecessary risks.
Controlling what does and doesn’t go into the trash can be a daunting task for even the most organized businesses. Even if you invest in and supply your employees with office shredders, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be utilized. Feeding documents through a shredder takes time, and requires removing staples, paper clips, etc., which makes tossing them into a trash receptacle even more appealing.
Luckily, a professional document destruction company can provide your business with a system and equipment to facilitate secure and sound information disposal. They can strategically place secure shred collection containers throughout your business facilities, making it easy for your staff to dispose of confidential information. Once the containers are filled, the contents are immediately shredded. The whole process ensures that private documents and files are kept out of the dumpster and away from individuals looking to steal your business data.
Pacific Records helps businesses throughout Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto, Fresno, Napa and Solano Counties protect their confidential information. To find out more about how we can implement a shredding solution for your business, please contact us by phone or fill in the form on the page.