What to Know about Digital Device Disposal

How many old computers, hard drives and backup tapes do you have gathering dust in a closet or storage room? “Out of sight, out of mind” might seem like a good strategy, but in reality, it’s impractical and risky. Here’s what you should know about digital device disposal:

Digital Device Disposal Saves Money

Stock piling digital devices is a losing proposition, especially when you consider the rising cost of office space. To maximize profitability, you want to dedicate every square foot to generating revenue. Digital device disposal gets rid of unwanted equipment so you can use your office space effectively and profitably.

Prevent Identity Theft

Digital devices are repositories for confidential information. Even after deletion and degaussing, sensitive data is left behind. With the right tools and software, identity thieves and criminals who are bent on business fraud can still extract personal data, credit card information and bank account numbers from erased tapes and hard drives. Physical destruction of these devices is the most secure and reliable way to lower your company’s data breach exposure.

Ensure Compliance

The following laws require organizations to safeguard personal, health and financial records from unauthorized access:

  • GLB

You can face fines and criminal prosecution for failing to comply with these regulations. Digital device disposal helps your business stay compliant with state and federal privacy laws.

Prevent e-Waste

Safe and secure recycling of your media is just as important as protecting the stored information itself. You don’t want your e-waste dumped in a landfill where it contaminates the environment. With the right disposal solution, your digital devices are shredded first. Then, an authorized recycling partner separates the metals and other shredded materials and recycles them according to state and federal environmental standards.

Protect Your Business Reputation

You’ve worked hard to build a brand that customers know and trust. A lost or stolen hard drive can lead to a privacy breach that permanently damages your business brand. Digital device disposal helps your company maintain a professional and trustworthy reputation.

Now that you understand the benefits of digital device disposal, invest in a hard drive and media shredding service today!

Pacific Records Management provides hard drive and media shredding services for businesses throughout Fresno, Stockton, Sacramento, Modesto, and Napa and Solano Counties. For more information, please contact us by phone or complete the form on this page.

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